WebDAV NavX is an extension to WebDAV Nav+ that allows you to display your own custom logo on app launch as well as restrict certain features of the application.

It is expected that this extension would be most useful to organisations that run WebDAV Nav+ on a number of devices including Schools and Universities.

To configure each device you are required to host a configuration file on your own web server and 2 optional logo images to use when launching the app. The configuration file is a basic text file in JSON format that can be edited in any text editor.

Each device is configured by directing the WebDAV NavX extension to the configuration file on the server. This is only done once to configure the device. Each configuration file is PIN code protected and the code is required to enable or disable the WebDAV NavX configuration within the app. For security it is recommended that the configuration file be located in a protected folder on the server and that a password be required to download the file.

The configuration options include the ability to restrict these features:

Please contact support@schimera.com to get more information about WebDAV NavX and to download sample configuration files.